Thursday, May 7, 2015

5/7/15 Games & Hand Scans

We started off our class talking about perception, specifically, the difference between a 'lack, pain & struggle' belief system and one of 'joy, ease & abundance'. Our meditation was on seeing the 'contract of the first belief system torn up & destroyed, then beginning anew in joy, ease and abundance.

Teacher Nalani put together a great quiz for us on a slideshow. The pictures were beautiful, and it was fun for us to know many of them right off, and it was fun to see some new pictures too! There were 3 hints with each plant picture, to remind us of some of their great uses and attributes.

In pairs, students played tictactoe with groups of oils which they smelled and read about for each one they played.

A Zyto Compass hand scanner was set up and the students each experienced it (similar to biofeedback). I can email the results out in the next few days.

Please send a picture of your child in to Leiloni today! (We forgot to get a class picture. I did get Sydney.)

Also, please remember keychain payments!

Thank you!
Teacher Liesl

Monday, May 4, 2015

4/30/15 3rd to last day in class!

We've had fun talking about bubbles this semester! After discussing how we can always imagine a protective bubble around us wherever we go (whether it's like Violet's in The Incredibles, or the travelers' in Oz, or we just envision our own around us - even having angels 'zip up' the back), we've realized other bubbles are around us. In a previous week, we talked about what the earth would look like without its bubble (the atmosphere), and this week, we talked about the physical bubble the womb makes for us as we're developing fetuses. See if you can discover any others!

Everyone was able to choose any oil they wanted, out of all available, for our meditation. Then we got comfortable and listened to a song. The song addressed a question we all have at some time or another: why doesn't God do something to alleviate the suffering around us? The answer: He did! He created us! We discussed this some, talking about what we can do to help others. We began to discuss a phrase in the song that wonders if we've become "angels of apathy"... we didn't get very far there before too many distractions pulled us into something else. Try discussing that with your child!

We spent the rest of class time making and creating - just what that was, parents will have to wait and see. I have to say, that was the first time I tried the recipe and I am impressed! I want to give more details, but to protect the secret, I'll have to just say that it worked very well!

3 things I'd like to give reminders about:

Please remember to tightly close lids when you open bottles in class (my car was very fragrant all Thursday evening and into the next day; I don't think it was just the sample we tried in class!)

Please bring the small portion to cover the cost of your keychain (all other materials are out of my pocket, including the oils that are going into the keychains!)

Please leave personal electronics for time outside of class, and FOCUS (we only have less than 2 hours together left and lots of things to fill the time with!)

This has been a fun class for me!

Thursday, April 23, 2015

4/23/15 Clary sage, lavender, peppermint, rosemary

After choosing an oil for today, we imagined traveling and coming back in our meditations, and diseases being banished from our bodies.

We watched short videos on lavender and peppermint, and heard a little bit about rosemary and clary sage from

We had a "tea" of hot water, honey, and lavender, lemon and peppermint, and another with just peppermint.

We filled some of our keychain vials, as this is our last class of introducing oils. 3 more to go, with some fun activities planned!

Please send $3.72 with your student for the keychain. Thank you!

4/9/15 fennel, cilantro, coriander

We had some new music for our meditation and some patchwork ideas for our visualizations.

We saw what fennel looks like - a bulb with stalks & feathery tops - and tastes like!

We had some (not quite done, sorry!) kidney beans & brown rice with cilantro, some honey caramel with fennel (can taste like black licorice), and deviled eggs with the coriander.

Students filled out a chart with some information they wanted to remember about these 3 oils, that they learned from websites and boo.

Time flew by!

4/16/15 Basil, oregano, thyme, marjoram

Our meditation this week was listening to a Depok Chopra track.

We took some time to discuss petrochemicals, free radicals and antioxidants. We covered where they come from, what their in, and what they can cause to happen in our bodies.

We had some basil and thyme leaves to feel and to smell. Some placed the wide basil leaves on their foreheads, and felt its cooling properties. We tasted oatmeal with thyme leaves and thyme oil, millet with basil leaves and basil oil, oatmeal with marjoram oil and millet with oregano.

The time flew by this week!

Thursday, March 26, 2015


Today we chose between Geranium, Lemongrass or Vetiver to put on our palms.

We based our meditation around being in Oz-like protective bubbles and domes, and reframing our birth experience so that an easy, graceful, joyful birth = easy, graceful, joyful life!

After looking in our books (where we found beautiful pictues of geraniums, and a couple of fun tidbits for each oil), we each read aloud a line or 2 about geranium. It is a great one for skin and hair, so many people have added it to their lotions & toners, shampoos & conditioners, or made their own.

We saw a video each about sourcing Lemongrass in India, and Vetiver in Haiti.

Lemongrass, with its citrol content, is a great insect repellent. It can also soothe aches & pains, and help the digestive system.

Can you remember which fact below matches which oil video? (See if I remembered any incorrectly, or if you could add other factoids!)

  • It takes 5 men 15 days to harvest enough material for one gallon of this essential oil. 
  • People here would walk 3 miles to get 1 gallon of water (unsafe for drinking). 
  • It takes 5-7 days to harvest a 100-acre farm.
  • Rains make it grow faster.
  • It can be harvested every 60 days.
  • There was a farmer's cooperative meeting together.
  • It is carried down off the mountain on their heads.
I hope to hear from you!
Have a great Spring Break!

Sunday, March 22, 2015


We first chose between Cardamom or Ginger to put in our hands, then our meditation for this Thursday was 3 paragraphs in Eckhart Tolle's The Power of Now. We focused on our bodies and envisioned a wave going back and forth from our feet to our heads.

We each chose a different oil to put on a piece of Styrofoam, in order to see the process of petrochemical breakdown in action. They all worked, the citruses working the most quickly and thoroughly,  and the tree-based oils (like White Fir) were slowest and seemed to do the most good only once it seeped into the cut edge.

Teacher Nalanie brought us Cardamom tea to taste, and we all enjoyed Ginger flavored shredded cabbage and apple, and Cardamom flavored sliced apples with the tea. (To try at home, remember to mix the essential oil with olive oil for the "coleslaw", and essential oil with water for the apples first so that the flavor can be easily distributed. The coleslaw tastes fresh & looks good for a few days!)

We listened to a recording of a training on the Cardamom,  and the students did a great job answering questions about the material along the way! (You may like to ask your student how big the plants get, how many seeds are in each pod, how many days the seeds are allowed to mature, what is unusual about the process of getting the seeds ready, why doTERRA chooses the Guatemalan source over the Indian and African sources, and which body systems it can benefit the most from Cardamom.)

Next up: Geranium,  Lemongrass,  Vetiver!

Monday, March 9, 2015

Citrus Bliss!

This week, we treated our noses to the delightful scents of Lemon, and Lime! 
We tested the claim that citrus oils are invigorating and bring a joyful mood.  What a room full of happy people we were!
We started our discussion with a worksheet on all the ways that Lemon Essential Oil can benefit us every day.  We can add it to our tap water to cleanse the impurities, we can add it to the washing machine to freshen a stinky mildew smell.  Freshen our toothbrushes, dissolve sticky residues, and even cook with it!   Lime has similar uses, and we talked about how it freshens the air wonderfully.  (Mollie had several ideas for how to use Lime to make her brothers smell more pleasant) ha!  

Teacher Liesl had us try a guacamole recipe that called for a few drops of Lime Essential Oil.  Delightful!  (and delicious)  Each student participated in preparing the guacamole, and then we all enjoyed eating it with corn chips.  Yummy!   If you didn't get a chance to taste our guacamole with lime, we're sorry-there wasn't even a drop left over.  Maybe your student can share the recipe with you at home.

Thursday, February 12, 2015


We passed around these 3 today: clove, melaleuca & eucalyptus. They are all from a tree/shrub group and are good for the immune system.

Teacher Nalani blew some bubbles for us and we enjoyed watching them.  Then we used the visual of seeing our thoughts as bubbles that just float away so our minds can be clear. We also talked about having a bubble around us which protects us, but also allows us to receive back all that we send out in love and gratitude tenfold.

Our meditation involved a safe place and a heart healing meditation (in honor of Valentine's Day - or rather, the public school accepted term, Friendship Day).

We watched and discussed 2 short videos, on melaleuca and Breathe (a blend containing melaleuca and eucalyptus). We spent a bit of time in our reference books, and I heard several students reading aloud at once; I think that's a great sign!

Everyone bravely tried 2 breads: Yogurt Herb and Spice. Each had 4 to 6 oils in them. Most everyone really enjoyed the Yogurt Herb flavor, so the recipe from Sally Fallon's Nourishing Traditions is attached.

Saturday, February 7, 2015


We started out talking about some of the benefits of meditation. Ask your student what s/he remembers! Or, perhaps better yet, what s/he is personally experiencing.

We passed around Roman Chamomile, Helichrysum, Rose lotion, and Jasmine to smell and choose from for use during our meditation. 'Oh, well. Peace' was our way to guide our attention back from distracting thoughts. We practiced putting our attention & intention on feeling our heartbeat, then moving the sensation into our hands (which can help for headaches), then into our faces (redirects bloodflow from the kidneys).

We watched an essential oil intro video for some review and a couple of new facts. We each looked up one of the oils from our meditation in a book and shared something interesting from what we found (like Roman Chamomile having the nickname of ''plant's physician"). Then we saw pictures of blends and their ingredients, including the oils for the day, and smelled the blends which were Deep Blue & Immortelle.

To complete our class, we pulled out some craft supplies, including a few plant stencils.

We missed you Isaac!

Friday, January 9, 2015

Hello families!

On our first day together, we briefly smelled Myrrh, then we spent a few minutes breathing Frankincense in deeply, and using our imaginations.

Some experiences were shared for using Frankincense: on the ears at bedtime to keep away nightmares, on the roof of the mouth for migraines, on acne at night (& it's gone in the morning!) Some we didn't share in class: in a capsule with oregano or marjoram makes an effective pain killer, on the eyelids soothes puffiness from allergies.

We discussed expectations of one another in our class, as well as what kind of conditions & treatments essential oils need in order to be at their best.

Each student had some time to read in different resources (2 different kinds of books, a reference guide, 2 different pamphlets) about Frankincense &/or Myrrh, then share something with the rest.

We touched on some unusual words, below, and worked on a crossword puzzle using them.

Volatile - part of the term Volatile Organic Compounds (or VOCs), liquids that evaporate quickly
Burseraceae - the scientific name for the botanical family of resinous trees and shrubs the Frankincense and Myrrh belong to
Boswellia - the first part of the scientific name given to Frankincense (2nd part could include carterii, frereana or sacra)
Organoleptics - one of a number of tests used to check essential oil purity and potency, this is performed by a human who uses their senses (taste, touch, sight, smell)
GC/MS - abbreviation for Gas Chromatography, and Mass Spectrometry which are 2 tests performed on essential oils to see what components are in them and how much of each
Internal - ingesting, or eating, is a way to use doTERRA essential oils
Aromatic - getting the oils into the air and smelling them is one way to use them
Topical - using essential oils on the skin
Distilled - the process by which essential oils are extracted & collected from the resin of Frankincense & Myrrh

Some additional fun facts included in our puzzle: our largest organ is our skin! "When in doubt, use Frankincense". Myrrh and Frankincense are grouped together under the Latin heading Burseraceae; they are great for the skin as well as the nervous & immune systems. Neat is the term used when an oil is applied straight, or without dilution. Frankincense is named the king of oils!

I am really grateful to have each of you in class with me!

And guess what?! I found a great book at Teacher Kelly's after class that talked about Frankincense! The author talked about how important Frankincense was to the people way back before Christ and how they loved the sweet smell from burning it! He even conjectured that perhaps the prophet Lehi was referring to it when he wrote about the white, very desirable fruit that makes one happy. VERY interesting!

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Get ready!

Hello students!

I am pretty excited! This class will be a new experience for all of us! I have been enjoying preparing for it!

See you soon!

